Published by SEO on February 24, 2021

Tips on Hiring a Video Marketing Company

Let’s say you’d like to hire a video marketing company, but don’t have any idea how to get around it. Where to look, who to ask, what you should ask, etc. Here are some tips you might find quite useful on your journey.

Specify your needs and look for people who will meet them

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Before you start scrolling down Google results pages for “Best Video Marketing Company”, ask yourself this: why do I need video marketing? What is my goal? Do I want to put some videos on the internet just because everyone else does that? Or do I have a very specific goal in mind? Such as making sure everybody watching cat videos on YouTube sees my ad and takes interest in my products (because, as it happens, you sell pet toys). Once you have it all figured out, you can look for companies that have experience making YouTube pre-roll videos for people like you. It gets a lot easier right from the start.

Look beyond the portfolio

All video marketing companies have demo reels on their websites for you to check out. As important as it is to do so, you should probably do a little more research. Read the reviews from the clients. If there are any comments on the company’s YouTube or Vimeo, are they mostly positive or negative? What’s the like-dislike ratio? Share the video marketing company’s videos with your co-workers or friends. Ask for their opinion. “Would that kind of promotional content be good for us, Steve?” “Yeah, that looks great!”

Do a lot of window-shopping

Always remember that you have a lot of time to make the decision which video marketing company to hire. Don’t make any sudden moves. Just sit back, have a cup of coffee and start checking out those websites. One at a time. Do you like what you see? Cool demo reel? Take a note. Move on. Look up other companies. Read the reviews. Go back. Do some more research. Take your time. You are not obligated to sign a contract with anyone even when you ask for a quote or have a heart to heart Zoom call with the CEO. The more you pick and choose, the better. You will not only be investing your money in the video you will commission. Your decision will also impact your brand. Choose wisely.

Think two steps ahead

What are you planning on doing with your videos in the long run? Now, you just want to put them on your website for potential clients to see when they check your company out. But maybe the videos would work great on your own YouTube channel? Or social media? You may not feel the need to run your own Instagram right now. But in a year or two, who knows? That’s why it is important to discuss the possibilities for future use of your videos with the company you are going to hire. Ask them if a 15 second long cut of the video would work. Or maybe a 5 second YouTube pre-roll needs to be in mind when writing the script? The illustrations for your animated video explainer video could also serve as Facebook avatars. There are many ways you can get more content for a single video deal.

Get involved

Engage in the process of preproduction of your videos. Set up calls with the video marketing company’s team. Get to know the people who will work for you. Brainstorm ideas. Make it clear what you expect. Share your vision. Talk about your company and your product. Let everybody understand why you need a video and what goals you’d like to achieve by putting it out there. At the same time, have trust in the professionals that you hired. They surely know what they are doing. Listening to their suggestions might help a lot. Collaborate together and make something you all will be proud of.

Team up and stick together

Are you satisfied with the work that the video marketing company has done for you? Do you plan on making more videos? If so, why go through the whole tiresome process of finding a production studio all over again? Save yourself a lot of time and stick with the guys that have already proved themselves to be just professionals you need. Build a lasting relationship and benefit from the mutual understanding that comes with the territory. Don’t change horses in midstream, as the saying goes. New studios may come along with their state-of-the-art special effects you’ve never seen before. But working with someone who knows what you want before you say it is a privilege few of us have these days. If you choose a company like Pat Animation, you get all the good stuff we’ve talked about here, plus the CEO might share some exclusive photos of his puppy dog Charlie with you! All work and no play makes life dull.

Be one step ahead of the competition

With the market saturated with all types, shapes, and sizes of products and services, it is absolutely crucial to always be ahead of the race. Not only when it comes to creating your products, but also the videos that promote them. Make sure the video marketing company you’re working with is also up to date with the latest and greatest in the business. Ask them to actively look for new ways of communicating the value of your brand. Let them research the needs of your customers and come up with solutions. The internet never stays in one place. It is always evolving and changes its mind about things like a little child. Want to get ahead of the competition? Learn how to attract the attention of that child. Never be boring. Always be amazing. Let your videos also be amazing.

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